Thursday, June 26, 2008

Visiting California--again.

I am the worst blogger, I know. We just got back from a month long
hiatus all over the west.
Our trip was so fun, good thing Clark dropped
the camera and broke it so we could capture it all.
We were in California most of the time, but spent about 5 days in Utah.

Big events included:
my sister Katie's high school graduation, going to the water
park with Mike and Anne, Eating at the Hash House, visiting with both of my
Grandmas in Utah, eating Cafe Rio with Leah and Amy, going to our
friend Dan's wedding, starting our marathon training by running through
Park City, going to the beach at Emerald Bay, celebrating Father's Day with Scott's family, Clark turning 11 months
old and Scott turning 25.


Julia said...

Did I read that right...Scott turned 25?

The Wall Family said...

I seriously can't believe your little sister graduated high school. Wasn't it just last summer we were at Capo Beach burying her in the sand with Jordan?? Geezz......time flies.

Kelley said...

Sara--how lucky were we to get front-row seats at the wedding?! Yay for Dan. I love your dress.

Amberli said...

you and kelley are lookin hot! hubba hubba! congrats to katie - can't believe she's done with high school....we're old...